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  2. Pebble POS - Troubleshooting

FreedomPay Error "3003 Unknown WorkstationID"

This article will aid in resolving the issue where the end user receives an "Unknown WorkstationID" error while processing credit cards via FreedomPay.

When the end user is performing a credit card authorization, they receive an error in the POS stating that the workstation ID found in the freewayservice.exe.config is unknown. Basically, the ID in the Freeway Service config file does not match what is in the SQL Database for that terminal.

To correct this issue, you will need to update the config file with the ID found in the database.

Log into the corresponding Boyd property environment from WebConfig and use SkyWire SQL to find the ID.

In SkyWire SQL, use the following command to find the terminal name in the database: SELECT * FROM Terminals WHERE Name = '[Type Terminal Name Here]'

The correct WorkstationId (OrdinalId) can be found in the Ordinal column.

After finding the WorkstationId, update the freewayservice.exe.config file with the correct information.

Navigate to the directory below on the terminal having the issue:

C:\Program Files (x86)\FreedomPay\FreewayCommerceConnect

Find the FreewayClientService.exe.config, open it in notepad and update the file in the portion shown below with the correct ID.

Note: Make sure that the ‘add key’ line does not contain any dashes or exclamation points otherwise, the information will not be read by the application.

Default Value:

Correct Value:

Check the servers.xml in the FreewayCommerceConnect directory as well. Ensure that it has the correct Boyd interface server IP address as this is where the FreedomPay gateway is installed.

See the highlighted section below: